The Epistle of Paul to the Romans: Part 1

Session 9

This lesson is the first of a deeper study into the book of Romans

Romans: Lesson 1

Man wearing a blank crew neck top Studying Romans
Studying Romans

Romans is an exposition of the essential truths of Christianity, these truths are foundational to what we believe as Christians.

In this lesson we remind ourselves why we are studying the Bible and the place and purpose of Romans.

By way of introduction we study both Paul’s opening greetings in Chapter 1 vs 1-17 and his conclusion in Chapter 16

Downloads for this Session
Session 9
PowerPoint link
The Epistle of Romans: Part 1

An overview of the New Testament: Part 5

Session 8

This section completes our survey of the New Testament.

Part 5: Revelation

This is the final book in the New Testament, it’s full title is: The Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is sometimes (erroneously) called the Revelation of St. John the Divine.

Downloads for this Session
Session 8 / Homework
PowerPoint link
Survey of the New Testament Part 5